Sunday, January 29, 2012

Book of Days

Where has this weekend gone?? I didn't get to do as much 'arting' as I had hoped too, but yesterday my Mama and I spent the afternoon working on our art projects.  She worked on cards while I worked on altering a book for a year long project on-line called Book of Days.

Book of Days is an art journal that is just for you.  You can write, draw, collage, stencil...anything goes because, well, it's YOURS.  The project began in January, but I was a late bloomer to discover Effy Wild. I've only been observing her for a few days, and already, I've learned so much and grown as an artist. I can't wait to see what wonderful pages I will create during this year together.

You can find out more about this project at:

Here is the outside cover of the book I am altering. I was pleased with the outcome and can't wait to begin creating pages.  I plan to begin February 1st.  Those of us in the group who wish to participate will begin reading "Life is a Verb" by Patti Digh and then using what we have read to inspire our art journal for the next 8 weeks.  I AM SO EXCITED!!

Have a great week,
Debra xo

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is it Friday yet??

Yep....the insanity of the week continues.  My only saving grace is that tomorrow is Friday!! YAY!

So far, I have absolutely no plans except for going to church on Sunday. I hope to totally immerse myself in my art this weekend.

After the week I've had, I can't think of anything more relaxing. I hope to post some pages soon!

Debra xo

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Crazy Week

Well as you can see, it's been a few days since my last post. Crazy busy week at work and other personal demands so I didn't have much time to art this week.  I did have a great day yesterday crafting with a group of ladies at our monthly crop.  I'm pleased to say that I finished my February calendar and will post soon. (Now if I could only complete my January activities....I've written them down, but have yet to record them on my Calendar. I'm promising myself that I will be much more diligent in February).

It's a rainy day here in Richmond, VA, so it's the perfect day to try and organize some of my vast crafting collection.  Hope you get to spend this lazy, rainy Sunday doing something you enjoy.

Debra xo

Monday, January 16, 2012

My January Calendar!!!

I am so excited that I finally finished my January calendar.  It certainly took me long enough, but I am confident that February's calendar won't take nearly that long.  Especially since I have a crop on Saturday and plan to get it well under way before I leave.

A HUGE thank you once again to Kate Crane!!!  Without her encouragement and caring, I probably would have abandoned the project with a, "I'll just try again next year" mentality as I usally do.  Now that January is behind me, I feel a bit more confident that each month I will only get better.

I'll admit, the quality of the photo isn't perfect, but I wanted to get this posted in a hurry since I made a deal with myself and my blog that I would be finished by the end of the day today.
I used a new Unity Stamp from the "Love Life" collection which captured my mantra for January.  To work hard to realize some dreams I have been chasing for quite some time.  Art journaling is the one thing I am determined to do this year.  This calendar and my art journal are two things I intend to pursue without fail. All other stamps are by Tim Holtz.

I used Fancy Pants papers from their "Tradition" line.

Thanks for looking!

Debra xo

Friday, January 13, 2012


What a week! But at least it's over and a wonderful three day weekend awaits me. I will begin the weekend with a trip to Archivers in Raleigh with my Mama, sister Lisa and two other dear friends. I'm really looking forward to it since this will be my sister's first time ever going to an  Archivers. She lives in a remote area that has NO scrapbooking or arts stores within an hours drive. She is also recovering from surgery and this will be her first big trip. It should be lots of fun.

I did happen to begin work on my January calendar. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? I'm excited to finally begin. I must say that I am a bit miffed because I lack so many tools and things needed to begin this project properly. It will take time and money (which is in very short supply these days) to get everything needed. So for the time being, I finished the background and cut out the 31 1.5 inch squares, numbered them and pasted them down. I have the design pretty much figured out, but it will have to wait until Monday for me to finish.

Until then, have a great weekend,
Debra xo

Wednesday, January 11, 2012 I lied....

Hard as I tried, I just couldn't leave well enough alone and worked on my blog yet again and I must say I'm satisfied with the outcome. 

The hard part is done as far as I'm concerned.  I've spent way too much time on this, which has resulted in my 366 Calendar Challenge being delayed yet again.

But excuse time is over.  Tomorrow is another day and my hopes are to post my calendar by the end of day on Monday.  I suppose we shall see....huh?

Debra xo

Day 3 of Frustration

Well, after spending yet another day frustrated with my blog, I've decided to leave well enough alone.  It's not the worst blog I've seen, but now I am unable to change fonts and colors of my text.  But I've had enough for now.  Time to walk away and tackle it another day.

Debra xo

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Let's try this again!

Well, after struggling for two days with my new blog, I am deleting it and re-creating it.  I'm not sure this will work either, but it's a start.

This blog notion began thanks to Kate Crane of  :)  She is one of the kindest, most talented people I've had the wonderful fortune of meeting on-line.  I want to participate in her 366 Calendar Challenge, so I've created a blog in which to share my *hopefully* ongoing, year long project.

I'll be back to post a picture of my January calendar soon.

Wish me luck!!!

Debra x0